Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Famous Castles: Malbork Castle, Poland

Malbork Castle in Poland is considered to be the largest castle in the world (as measured by land area) and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Layout of the Castle:

A flying overview of the castle:

UNESCO World Heritage Documentary on the Castle:

Another good documentary on the castle:

The Castles of Poland website provides some...

Our exploration of Malbork Castle begins at the... 
Castle Gate and Portcullis

We can also take a stroll in the moat...

The city of Malbork in northern Poland treasures its history. Each year for over a decade it has staged a re-enactment of a famed 1410 siege for its majestic red brick Malbork Castle. After the legendary victory of a Polish-Lithuanian army over the German Teutonic Knights at Grunwald earlier that year, troops of the Polish king Wladyslaw Jagiello tried but failed to seize the castle, then the European headquarters of the powerful Teutonic Order:

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