Monday, November 16, 2020

Famous Islands: Pitcairn Island



Pitcairn Island, final destination of the Bounty mutineers, and sometimes called the remotest place on earth.  The mutineers burned the Bounty when they reached the island.



Exploring Pitcairn Island by Drone

Take Me To Pitcairn

  One man attempts to re-trace the romantic voyages of the most infamous fugitives in British naval history

The forgotten history of Pitcairn Island

We head to Pitcairn Island from our expedition ship:

 We land on the sea battered pier:


And begin our trek with a climb, retracing the route of the Bounty mutineers:


On the strenuous way up, we can pause to look back down at the pier far below:

And there are lots of interesting trails to explore on the island.  Just click on the yellow peg man to view and access the streetview trails:

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