Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Elim Museum of Chinese Ancient Porcelain Art

Always have found Chinese Porcelain Art fascinating with its intricately detailed pictures of people, creatures and landscapes.

Elim Museum of Chinese Ancient Porcelain Art is a non-profit organization. From a private collector’s prospective, we focus on collecting, preserving, and classifying those “stylish and characteristic” ancient Chinese porcelains from the collectors around the world. By means of on-line display, a portion of our collection that we believed to cherish relatively a higher aesthetic and academic value, will be periodically unveiled to the public in purpose of promoting further research and discussion, as well the general appreciation. We hope our collections (it is currently limited to Song,Yuan, Ming and Qing four dynasties) will be a more broader representation of ancient Chinese porcelain art to demonstrate objectively its historical progression and achievements. 

They also have an excellent 3D display exhibition that allows you to rotate items to see all sides...

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