Saturday, May 4, 2019

The Great Cathedrals: Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey

The immense and awe-inspiring Hagia Sophia (537 AD) was a Greek Orthodox Christian Patriarchal Cathedral (537-1453 AD), then an Ottoman Imperial Mosque and is currently a secular (no religious affiliation) museum (1931). 

An excellent brief video introduction to Hagia Sophia:

Beneath the dome is an interior that was the largest enclosed building for over a thousand years:

Hagia Sophia is considered the greatest achievement of Byzantine architecture.  

Abhijeet Shinde, Architect at Poorna architects presents an excellent slide presentation to introduce Byzantine architecture:

The Mosaics of Hagia Sophia are amazing in their own right.  The official Hagia Sophia Website has a good page on these:

Probably the best, most comprehensive video documentary on Hagia Sophia is the Nova one:

Hagia Sophia:  Istanbul's Ancient Mystery

  In an area with a long history of devastating earthquakes, the survival of Hagia Sophia for all these centuries is a miracle in itself!  Discovery Magazine explores this miracle in their video: 

Engineering Secrets of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey

Gezen Adam provides a very comprehensive Virtual Tour of Hagia Sophia:

Now use Google Street View to explore Hagia Sophia:

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