Sunday, March 1, 2020

James Callaghan Trail: Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland

The rugged west coast of Newfoundland features one of Canada's most spectacular National Parks:  

(Map: Chris Brackley/Canadian Geographic)

West of Rocky Harbour stands Gros Morne Mountain, the summit of which can be reached using one of the most challenging hiking trails in the park:  James Callaghan Trail:

Parks Canada:  Gros Morne National Park  

The Google Streetview hike (in blue on the satellite map below) starts along the ridge at the northwest part of the trail and goes on to the two lookouts marked on the above map.

Here is the Start of the Google Streetview Hike:

You continue climbing up Gros Morne Mountain and eventually reach a truly spectacular lookout point:

Check out Steve Silva's beautifully filmed hike up the James Callaghan Trail:

Amazing Places on Our Planet provides an excellent overview of the park:

Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada in 4K Ultra HD

UNESCO has named Gros Morne National Park  a World Heritage Site.

A park guide tells us about the fascinating geology of the park:


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