Thursday, September 3, 2020

Famous Castles: Osaka Castle, Japan


 Osaka Castle features eight fascinating floors of art, history and vivid panoramas.


A Fly Over of Osaka City and Castle Area:

Some history of the castle:


Our exploration of the castle begins at the front entrance and proceeds through the eight floors:


Front Entrance to Osaka Castle

 On the eighth floor, we may walk around and take in magnificent vistas of the city and the grounds:

Eighth Floor Viewing Area

The seventh floor features some historical displays such as this one about the castle's violent past:

Osaka Castle's Violent History

The fifth floor features some historical panoramas such as this battle scene:

Fifth Floor Battle Panorama

 The fourth floor features some of the castle's art, such as this screen:

Fourth Floor Art

The third floor features more art as well as historical artifacts such as this...

 Battle Armour


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